Module OpenQASM.AST

type id = string
type ty =
| TVal
| TCReg of int
| TQReg of int
| TGate of int * int
type binaryop =
| Plus
| Minus
| Times
| Div
| Pow
type unaryop =
| Sin
| Cos
| Tan
| Exp
| Ln
| Sqrt
| UMinus
type exp =
| Real of float
| Nninteger of int
| Pi
| Id of id
| BinaryOp of binaryop * exp * exp
| UnaryOp of unaryop * exp
type argument = id * int option
type uop =
| CX of argument * argument
| U of exp list * argument
| Gate of id * exp list * argument list
type qop =
| Uop of uop
| Meas of argument * argument
| Reset of argument
type gop =
| GUop of uop
| GBarrier of id list
type gatedecl = id * id list * id list
type decl =
| QReg of id * int
| CReg of id * int
type statement =
| Include of string
| Decl of decl
| GateDecl of gatedecl * gop list
| OpaqueDecl of gatedecl
| Qop of qop
| If of id * int * qop
| Barrier of argument list
type program = statement list