
This file is part of the Coquelicot formalization of real analysis in Coq: http://coquelicot.saclay.inria.fr/
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Catherine Lelay
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details.
This version modified to work without SSReflect, or any other dependencies, as part of the QWIRE project by Robert Rand and Jennifer Paykin (June 2017).
Additional lemmas added as part of work on projects in inQWIRE (https://github.com/inQWIRE) 2019-2021.

Require Export Prelim.
Require Export RealAux.
Require Export Summation.

This file defines complex numbers C as R × R. Operations are given, and C is proved to be a field, a normed module, and a complete space.

The set of complex numbers

Definition C := (R × R)%type.

Declare Scope C_scope.
Delimit Scope C_scope with C.

Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope R_scope.
Open Scope C_scope.
Bind Scope nat_scope with nat.
Bind Scope R_scope with R.
Bind Scope C_scope with C.

Definition RtoC (x : R) : C := (x,0).
Coercion RtoC : R >-> C.

Lemma RtoC_inj : (x y : R),
  RtoC x = RtoC y x = y.

Lemma Ceq_dec (z1 z2 : C) : { z1 = z2 } + { z1 z2 }.

Lemma c_proj_eq : (c1 c2 : C), fst c1 = fst c2 snd c1 = snd c2 c1 = c2.

Ltac lca := eapply c_proj_eq; simpl; lra.

Constants and usual functions

0 and 1 for complex are defined as RtoC 0 and RtoC 1
Definition Ci : C := (0,1).
Notation C0 := (RtoC 0).
Notation C1 := (RtoC 1).
Notation C2 := (RtoC 2).

Arithmetic operations

Definition Cplus (x y : C) : C := (fst x + fst y, snd x + snd y).
Definition Copp (x : C) : C := (-fst x, -snd x).
Definition Cminus (x y : C) : C := Cplus x (Copp y).
Definition Cmult (x y : C) : C := (fst x × fst y - snd x × snd y, fst x × snd y + snd x × fst y).
Definition Cinv (x : C) : C := (fst x / (fst x ^ 2 + snd x ^ 2), - snd x / (fst x ^ 2 + snd x ^ 2)).
Definition Cdiv (x y : C) : C := Cmult x (Cinv y).

Fixpoint Cpow (c : C) (n : nat) : C :=
  match n with
  | 0%nat ⇒ 1
  | S n'Cmult c (Cpow c n')

Infix "+" := Cplus : C_scope.
Notation "- x" := (Copp x) : C_scope.
Infix "-" := Cminus : C_scope.
Infix "×" := Cmult : C_scope.
Notation "/ x" := (Cinv x) : C_scope.
Infix "/" := Cdiv : C_scope.
Infix "^" := Cpow : C_scope.

Showing that C is a field, and a vector space over itself

Program Instance C_is_monoid : Monoid C :=
  { Gzero := C0
  ; Gplus := Cplus
Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; try lca.

Program Instance C_is_group : Group C :=
  { Gopp := Copp }.
Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; try lca.

Program Instance C_is_comm_group : Comm_Group C.
Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; lca.

Program Instance C_is_ring : Ring C :=
  { Gone := C1
  ; Gmult := Cmult
Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; lca.

Program Instance C_is_comm_ring : Comm_Ring C.
Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; lca.

Program Instance C_is_field : Field C :=
  { Ginv := Cinv }.

Program Instance C_is_vector_space : Vector_Space C C :=
  { Vscale := Cmult }.
Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; lca.

Other usual functions

Definition Re (z : C) : R := fst z.

Definition Im (z : C) : R := snd z.

Definition Cmod (x : C) : R := sqrt (fst x ^ 2 + snd x ^ 2).

Definition Cconj (x : C) : C := (fst x, (- snd x)%R).

Notation "a ^*" := (Cconj a) (at level 10) : C_scope.

Lemma Cmod_0 : Cmod 0 = R0.

Lemma Cmod_1 : Cmod 1 = R1.

Lemma Cmod_opp : x, Cmod (-x) = Cmod x.

Lemma Cmod_triangle : x y, Cmod (x + y) Cmod x + Cmod y.

Lemma Cmod_mult : x y, Cmod (x × y) = (Cmod x × Cmod y)%R.

Lemma Rmax_Cmod : x,
  Rmax (Rabs (fst x)) (Rabs (snd x)) Cmod x.

Lemma Cmod_2Rmax : x,
  Cmod x sqrt 2 × Rmax (Rabs (fst x)) (Rabs (snd x)).

Lemma C_neq_0 : c : C, c 0 (fst c) 0 (snd c) 0.

Lemma Cplus_simplify : (a b c d : C),
    a = b c = d (a + c = b + d)%C.

Lemma Cmult_simplify : (a b c d : C),
    a = b c = d (a × c = b × d)%C.

C is a field

Lemma RtoC_plus (x y : R) : RtoC (x + y) = RtoC x + RtoC y.

Lemma RtoC_opp (x : R) : RtoC (- x) = - RtoC x.

Lemma RtoC_minus (x y : R) : RtoC (x - y) = RtoC x - RtoC y.

Lemma RtoC_mult (x y : R) : RtoC (x × y) = RtoC x × RtoC y.

Lemma RtoC_inv (x : R) : (x 0)%R RtoC (/ x) = / RtoC x.

Lemma RtoC_div (x y : R) : (y 0)%R RtoC (x / y) = RtoC x / RtoC y.

Lemma Cplus_comm (x y : C) : x + y = y + x.

Lemma Cplus_assoc (x y z : C) : x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z.

Lemma Cplus_0_r (x : C) : x + 0 = x.

Lemma Cplus_0_l (x : C) : 0 + x = x.

Lemma Cplus_opp_r (x : C) : x + -x = 0.

Lemma Copp_plus_distr (z1 z2 : C) : - (z1 + z2) = (- z1 + - z2).

Lemma Copp_minus_distr (z1 z2 : C) : - (z1 - z2) = z2 - z1.

Lemma Cmult_comm (x y : C) : x × y = y × x.

Lemma Cmult_assoc (x y z : C) : x × (y × z) = (x × y) × z.

Lemma Cmult_0_r (x : C) : x × 0 = 0.

Lemma Cmult_0_l (x : C) : 0 × x = 0.

Lemma Cmult_1_r (x : C) : x × 1 = x.

Lemma Cmult_1_l (x : C) : 1 × x = x.

Lemma Cinv_r (r : C) : r 0 r × /r = 1.

Lemma Cinv_l (r : C) : r 0 /r × r = 1.

Lemma Cmult_plus_distr_l (x y z : C) : x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.

Lemma Cmult_plus_distr_r (x y z : C) : (x + y) × z = x × z + y × z.

Lemma Copp_0 : Copp 0 = 0.

Lemma Cmod_m1 : Cmod (Copp 1) = 1.

Lemma Cmod_eq_0 : x, Cmod x = 0 x = 0.

Lemma Cmod_ge_0 : x, 0 Cmod x.

Lemma Cmod_gt_0 :
   (x : C), x 0 0 < Cmod x.

Lemma Cmod_R : x : R, Cmod x = Rabs x.

Lemma Cmod_inv : x : C, x 0 Cmod (/ x) = Rinv (Cmod x).

Lemma Cmod_div (x y : C) : y 0 Cmod (x / y) = Rdiv (Cmod x) (Cmod y).

Lemma Cmod_real : (c : C),
  fst c 0 snd c = 0 Cmod c = fst c.

Lemma Cmult_neq_0 (z1 z2 : C) : z1 0 z2 0 z1 × z2 0.

Lemma Cminus_eq_contra : r1 r2 : C, r1 r2 r1 - r2 0.

Lemma C_field_theory : field_theory (RtoC 0) (RtoC 1) Cplus Cmult Cminus Copp Cdiv Cinv eq.

Add Field C_field_field : C_field_theory.

Content added as part of inQWIRE

Lemma Ci2 : Ci × Ci = -C1.
Lemma Copp_mult_distr_r : c1 c2 : C, - (c1 × c2) = c1 × - c2.
Lemma Copp_mult_distr_l : c1 c2 : C, - (c1 × c2) = - c1 × c2.
Lemma Cplus_opp_l : c : C, - c + c = 0.
Lemma Cdouble : c : C, 2 × c = c + c.
Lemma Copp_involutive: c : C, - - c = c.

Lemma C0_imp : c : C, c 0 (fst c 0 snd c 0)%R.
Lemma C0_fst_neq : (c : C), fst c 0 c 0.
Lemma C0_snd_neq : (c : C), snd c 0 c 0.
Lemma RtoC_neq : (r : R), r 0 RtoC r 0.

Other useful facts

Lemma Copp_neq_0_compat: c : C, c 0 (- c)%C 0.

Lemma C1_neq_C0 : C1 C0.

Lemma Cconj_neq_0 : c : C, c 0 c^* 0.

Lemma nonzero_div_nonzero : c : C, c C0 / c C0.

Lemma div_real : (c : C),
  snd c = 0 snd (/ c) = 0.

Lemma eq_neg_implies_0 : (c : C),
  (-C1 × c)%C = c c = C0.

Lemma Cinv_mult_distr : c1 c2 : C, c1 0 c2 0 / (c1 × c2) = / c1 × / c2.

some C big_sum specific lemmas

Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Lemma big_sum_rearrange : (n : nat) (f g : nat nat C),
  ( x y, x y f x y = (-C1) × (g (S y) x))%G
  ( x y, y x f (S x) y = (-C1) × (g y x))%G
  big_sum (fun ibig_sum (fun jf i j) n) (S n) =
  (-C1 × (big_sum (fun ibig_sum (fun jg i j) n) (S n)))%G.

Local Close Scope nat_scope.

Lemma big_sum_ge_0 : f n, ( x, 0 fst (f x)) (0 fst (big_sum f n))%R.

Lemma big_sum_gt_0 : f n, ( x, 0 fst (f x))
                              ( y : nat, (y < n)%nat 0 < fst (f y))
                              0 < fst (big_sum f n).

Lemma big_sum_member_le : (f : nat C) (n : nat), ( x, 0 fst (f x))
                      ( x, (x < n)%nat fst (f x) fst (big_sum f n)).

Lemma big_sum_squeeze : (f : nat C) (n : nat),
  ( x, (0 fst (f x)))%R big_sum f n = C0
  ( x, (x < n)%nat fst (f x) = fst C0).

Lemma big_sum_snd_0 : n f, ( x, snd (f x) = 0) snd (big_sum f n) = 0.

Lemma Rsum_big_sum : n (f : nat R),
  fst (big_sum (fun iRtoC (f i)) n) = big_sum f n.

Lemma big_sum_Cmod_0_all_0 : (f : nat C) (n : nat),
  big_sum (fun iCmod (f i)) n = 0
   i, (i < n)%nat f i = C0.

Lemma big_sum_triangle : f n,
  Cmod (big_sum f n) big_sum (fun iCmod (f i)) n.

Lemmas about Cpow

Lemma RtoC_pow : r n, (RtoC r) ^ n = RtoC (r ^ n).

Lemma Cpow_nonzero : (r : R) (n : nat), (r 0 r ^ n C0)%C.

Lemma Cpow_add : (c : C) (n m : nat), (c ^ (n + m) = c^n × c^m)%C.

Lemma Cpow_mult : (c : C) (n m : nat), (c ^ (n × m) = (c ^ n) ^ m)%C.

Lemma Cpow_inv : (c : C) (n : nat), ( n', (n' n)%nat c ^ n' 0) (/ c) ^ n = / (c ^ n).

Lemma Cpow_add_r : (c : C) (a b : nat), c ^ (a + b) = c ^ a × c ^ b.

Lemma Cpow_mul_l : (c1 c2 : C) (n : nat), (c1 × c2) ^ n = c1 ^ n × c2 ^ n.

Lemma Cmod_pow : x n, Cmod (x ^ n) = ((Cmod x) ^ n)%R.

Lemmas about Cmod

Lemma Cmod_Cconj : c : C, Cmod (c^*) = Cmod c.

Lemma Cmod_real_pos :
   x : C,
    snd x = 0
    fst x 0
    x = Cmod x.

Lemma Cmod_sqr : c : C, (Cmod c ^2 = c^* × c)%C.

Lemma Cmod_switch : (a b : C),
  Cmod (a - b) = Cmod (b - a).

Lemma Cmod_triangle_le : (a b : C) (ϵ : R),
  Cmod a + Cmod b < ϵ Cmod (a + b) < ϵ.

Lemma Cmod_triangle_diff : (a b c : C) (ϵ : R),
  Cmod (c - b) + Cmod (b - a) < ϵ Cmod (c - a) < ϵ.

Lemmas about Cconj

Lemma Cconj_R : r : R, r^* = r.
Lemma Cconj_0 : 0^* = 0.
Lemma Cconj_opp : C, (- C)^* = - (C^*).
Lemma Cconj_rad2 : (/ 2)^* = / 2.
Lemma Cplus_div2 : /2 + /2 = 1.
Lemma Cconj_involutive : c, (c^*)^* = c.
Lemma Cconj_plus_distr : (x y : C), (x + y)^* = x^* + y^*.
Lemma Cconj_mult_distr : (x y : C), (x × y)^* = x^* × y^*.
Lemma Cconj_minus_distr : (x y : C), (x - y)^* = x^* - y^*.

Lemma Cmult_conj_real : (c : C), snd (c × c^*) = 0.

Lemma Cconj_simplify : (c1 c2 : C), c1^* = c2^* c1 = c2.

Lemmas about complex Square roots

Lemma Csqrt_sqrt : x : R, 0 x x × x = x.

Lemma Csqrt2_sqrt : 2 × 2 = 2.

Lemma Cinv_sqrt2_sqrt : /2 × /2 = /2.

Lemma Csqrt_inv : (r : R), 0 < r RtoC ( (/ r)) = (/ r).

Lemma Csqrt2_inv : RtoC ( (/ 2)) = (/ 2).

Lemma Csqrt_sqrt_inv : (r : R), 0 < r ( r × / r) = 1.

Lemma Csqrt2_sqrt2_inv : ( 2 × / 2) = 1.

Lemma Csqrt2_inv_sqrt2 : (( / 2) × 2) = 1.

Lemma Csqrt2_inv_sqrt2_inv : (( / 2) × ( / 2)) = /2.

Lemma Csqrt2_neq_0 : (RtoC ( 2) 0)%C.

Complex exponentiation

Compute e^(iθ)
Definition Cexp (θ : R) : C := (cos θ, sin θ).

Lemma Cexp_0 : Cexp 0 = 1.

Lemma Cexp_add: (x y : R), Cexp (x + y) = Cexp x × Cexp y.

Lemma Cexp_neg : θ, Cexp (- θ) = / Cexp θ.

Lemma Cexp_plus_PI : x,
  Cexp (x + PI) = (- (Cexp x))%C.

Lemma Cexp_minus_PI: x : R, Cexp (x - PI) = (- Cexp x)%C.

Lemma Cexp_nonzero : θ, Cexp θ 0.

Lemma Cexp_mul_neg_l : θ, Cexp (- θ) × Cexp θ = 1.

Lemma Cexp_mul_neg_r : θ, Cexp θ × Cexp (-θ) = 1.

Lemma Cexp_pow : θ k, Cexp θ ^ k = Cexp (θ × INR k).
  Local Opaque INR.
  Local Transparent INR.

Lemma Cexp_conj_neg : θ, (Cexp θ)^* = Cexp (-θ)%R.

Lemma Cmod_Cexp : θ, Cmod (Cexp θ) = 1.

Lemma Cmod_Cexp_alt : θ, Cmod (1 - Cexp (2 × θ)) = Cmod (2 × (sin θ)).

Cexp of multiples of PI

Lemma Cexp_PI : Cexp PI = -1.

Lemma Cexp_PI2 : Cexp (PI/2) = Ci.

Lemma Cexp_2PI : Cexp (2 × PI) = 1.

Lemma Cexp_3PI2: Cexp (3 × PI / 2) = - Ci.

Lemma Cexp_PI4 : Cexp (PI / 4) = /2 + /2 × Ci.

Lemma Cexp_PIm4 : Cexp (- PI / 4) = /2 - /2 × Ci.

Lemma Cexp_0PI4 : Cexp (0 × PI / 4) = 1.

Lemma Cexp_1PI4 : Cexp (1 × PI / 4) = /2 + /2 × Ci.

Lemma Cexp_2PI4 : Cexp (2 × PI / 4) = Ci.

Lemma Cexp_3PI4 : Cexp (3 × PI / 4) = -/2 + /2 × Ci.

Lemma Cexp_4PI4 : Cexp (4 × PI / 4) = -1.

Lemma Cexp_5PI4 : Cexp (5 × PI / 4) = -/2 - /2 × Ci.

Lemma Cexp_6PI4 : Cexp (6 × PI / 4) = -Ci.

Lemma Cexp_7PI4 : Cexp (7 × PI / 4) = /2 - /2 × Ci.

Lemma Cexp_8PI4 : Cexp (8 × PI / 4) = 1.

Lemma Cexp_PI4_m8 : (k : Z), Cexp (IZR (k - 8) × PI / 4) = Cexp (IZR k × PI / 4).

Lemma Cexp_2nPI : (k : Z), Cexp (IZR (2 × k) × PI) = 1.

Lemma Cexp_mod_2PI : (k : Z), Cexp (IZR k × PI) = Cexp (IZR (k mod 2) × PI).

Lemma Cexp_mod_2PI_scaled : (k sc : Z),
  (sc 0)%Z
  Cexp (IZR k × PI / IZR sc) = Cexp (IZR (k mod (2 × sc)) × PI / IZR sc).

Hint Rewrite Cexp_0 Cexp_PI Cexp_PI2 Cexp_2PI Cexp_3PI2 Cexp_PI4 Cexp_PIm4
  Cexp_1PI4 Cexp_2PI4 Cexp_3PI4 Cexp_4PI4 Cexp_5PI4 Cexp_6PI4 Cexp_7PI4 Cexp_8PI4
  Cexp_add Cexp_neg Cexp_plus_PI Cexp_minus_PI : Cexp_db.

Opaque C.


Lemma Cminus_unfold : c1 c2, (c1 - c2 = c1 + -c2)%C.
Lemma Cdiv_unfold : c1 c2, (c1 / c2 = c1 ×/ c2)%C.

Ltac nonzero :=
  repeat split;
    match goal with
    | |- not (@eq _ (Copp _) (RtoC (IZR Z0))) ⇒ apply Copp_neq_0_compat
    | |- not (@eq _ (Cpow _ _) (RtoC (IZR Z0))) ⇒ apply Cpow_nonzero
    | |- not (@eq _ Ci (RtoC (IZR Z0))) ⇒ apply C0_snd_neq; simpl
    | |- not (@eq _ (Cexp _) (RtoC (IZR Z0))) ⇒ apply Cexp_nonzero
    | |- not (@eq _ _ (RtoC (IZR Z0))) ⇒ apply RtoC_neq
    match goal with
    | |- not (@eq _ (sqrt (pow _ _)) (IZR Z0)) ⇒ rewrite sqrt_pow
    | |- not (@eq _ (pow _ _) (IZR Z0)) ⇒ apply pow_nonzero; try apply RtoC_neq
    | |- not (@eq _ (sqrt _) (IZR Z0)) ⇒ apply sqrt_neq_0_compat
    | |- not (@eq _ (Rinv _) (IZR Z0)) ⇒ apply Rinv_neq_0_compat
    | |- not (@eq _ (Rmult _ _) (IZR Z0)) ⇒ apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified
    match goal with
    | |- Rlt (IZR Z0) (Rmult _ _) ⇒ apply Rmult_lt_0_compat
    | |- Rlt (IZR Z0) (Rinv _) ⇒ apply Rinv_0_lt_compat
    | |- Rlt (IZR Z0) (pow _ _) ⇒ apply pow_lt
  match goal with
  | |- not (@eq _ _ _) ⇒ lra
  | |- Rlt _ _lra
  | |- Rle _ _lra

Hint Rewrite Cminus_unfold Cdiv_unfold Ci2 Cconj_R Cconj_opp Cconj_rad2
     Cinv_sqrt2_sqrt Cplus_div2
     Cplus_0_l Cplus_0_r Cplus_opp_r Cplus_opp_l Copp_0 Copp_involutive
     Cmult_0_l Cmult_0_r Cmult_1_l Cmult_1_r : C_db.

Hint Rewrite <- Copp_mult_distr_l Copp_mult_distr_r Cdouble : C_db.
Hint Rewrite Csqrt_sqrt using Psatz.lra : C_db.
Hint Rewrite Cinv_l Cinv_r using nonzero : C_db.
Hint Rewrite Cinv_mult_distr using nonzero : C_db.

Hint Rewrite Cplus_0_l Cplus_0_r Cmult_0_l Cmult_0_r Copp_0
             Cconj_R Cmult_1_l Cmult_1_r : C_db_light.

Hint Rewrite Cmult_plus_distr_l Cmult_plus_distr_r Copp_plus_distr Copp_mult_distr_l
              Copp_involutive : Cdist_db.

Hint Rewrite <- RtoC_opp RtoC_mult RtoC_plus : RtoC_db.
Hint Rewrite <- RtoC_inv using nonzero : RtoC_db.
Hint Rewrite RtoC_pow : RtoC_db.

Ltac Csimpl :=
  repeat match goal with
  | _rewrite Cmult_0_l
  | _rewrite Cmult_0_r
  | _rewrite Cplus_0_l
  | _rewrite Cplus_0_r
  | _rewrite Cmult_1_l
  | _rewrite Cmult_1_r
  | _rewrite Cconj_R

Ltac C_field_simplify := repeat field_simplify_eq [ Csqrt2_sqrt Csqrt2_inv Ci2].
Ltac C_field := C_field_simplify; nonzero; trivial.

Ltac has_term t exp :=
  match exp with
    | context[t] ⇒ idtac

Ltac group_radicals :=
  repeat rewrite Cconj_opp;
  repeat rewrite Cconj_rad2;
  repeat rewrite <- Copp_mult_distr_l;
  repeat rewrite <- Copp_mult_distr_r;
  repeat match goal with
  | _rewrite Cinv_sqrt2_sqrt
  | |- context [ ?x × ?y ] ⇒ tryif has_term ( 2) x then fail
                            else (has_term ( 2) y; rewrite (Cmult_comm x y))
  | |- context [ ?x × ?y × ?z ] ⇒
    tryif has_term ( 2) y then fail
    else (has_term ( 2) x; has_term ( 2) z; rewrite <- (Cmult_assoc x y z))
  | |- context [ ?x × (?y × ?z) ] ⇒
    has_term ( 2) x; has_term ( 2) y; rewrite (Cmult_assoc x y z)

Ltac cancel_terms t :=
  repeat rewrite Cmult_plus_distr_l;
  repeat rewrite Cmult_plus_distr_r;
  repeat match goal with
  | _rewrite Cmult_1_l
  | _rewrite Cmult_1_r
  | _rewrite Cinv_r; try nonzero
  | _rewrite Cinv_l; try nonzero
  | |- context[(?x × ?y)%C] ⇒ tryif has_term (/ t)%C y then fail else has_term (/ t)%C x; has_term t y;
                                    rewrite (Cmult_comm x y)
  | |- context[(?x × (?y × ?z))%C] ⇒ has_term t x; has_term (/ t)%C y;
                                    rewrite (Cmult_assoc x y z)
  | |- context[(?x × (?y × ?z))%C] ⇒ tryif has_term t y then fail else has_term t x; has_term (/ t)%C z;
                                    rewrite (Cmult_comm y z)
  | |- context[(?x × ?y × ?z)%C] ⇒ tryif has_term t x then fail else has_term t y; has_term (/ t)%C z;
                                    rewrite <- (Cmult_assoc x y z)

Ltac group_Cexp :=
  repeat rewrite <- Cexp_neg;
  repeat match goal with
  | _rewrite <- Cexp_add
  | _rewrite <- Copp_mult_distr_l
  | _rewrite <- Copp_mult_distr_r
  | |- context [ ?x × ?y ] ⇒ tryif has_term Cexp x then fail
                            else (has_term Cexp y; rewrite (Cmult_comm x y))
  | |- context [ ?x × ?y × ?z ] ⇒
    tryif has_term Cexp y then fail
    else (has_term Cexp x; has_term Cexp z; rewrite <- (Cmult_assoc x y z))
  | |- context [ ?x × (?y × ?z) ] ⇒
    has_term Cexp x; has_term Cexp y; rewrite (Cmult_assoc x y z)