In this file, we define specific objects/concepts specific to quantum computing and we prove lemmas about thems.
Definition qubit0 : Vector 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ C1
| 1, 0 ⇒ C0
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Definition qubit1 : Vector 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ C0
| 1, 0 ⇒ C1
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Notation "∣0⟩" := qubit0.
Notation "∣1⟩" := qubit1.
Notation "⟨0∣" := qubit0†.
Notation "⟨1∣" := qubit1†.
Notation "∣0⟩⟨0∣" := (∣0⟩×⟨0∣).
Notation "∣1⟩⟨1∣" := (∣1⟩×⟨1∣).
Notation "∣1⟩⟨0∣" := (∣1⟩×⟨0∣).
Notation "∣0⟩⟨1∣" := (∣0⟩×⟨1∣).
Definition bra (x : nat) : Matrix 1 2 := if x =? 0 then ⟨0∣ else ⟨1∣.
Definition ket (x : nat) : Matrix 2 1 := if x =? 0 then ∣0⟩ else ∣1⟩.
Notation "'∣' x '⟩'" := (ket x).
Notation "'⟨' x '∣'" := (bra x).
Notation "∣ x , y , .. , z ⟩" := (kron .. (kron ∣x⟩ ∣y⟩) .. ∣z⟩) (at level 0).
Transparent bra.
Transparent ket.
Transparent qubit0.
Transparent qubit1.
Definition bool_to_ket (b : bool) : Matrix 2 1 := if b then ∣1⟩ else ∣0⟩.
Definition bool_to_matrix (b : bool) : Matrix 2 2 := if b then ∣1⟩⟨1∣ else ∣0⟩⟨0∣.
Definition bool_to_matrix' (b : bool) : Matrix 2 2 := fun x y ⇒
match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ if b then 0 else 1
| 1, 1 ⇒ if b then 1 else 0
| _, _ ⇒ 0
Lemma bool_to_matrix_eq : ∀ b, bool_to_matrix b = bool_to_matrix' b.
Lemma bool_to_ket_matrix_eq : ∀ b,
outer_product (bool_to_ket b) (bool_to_ket b) = bool_to_matrix b.
Definition bools_to_matrix (l : list bool) : Square (2^(length l)) :=
big_kron (map bool_to_matrix l).
Lemma ket_decomposition : ∀ (ψ : Vector 2),
WF_Matrix ψ →
ψ = (ψ 0%nat 0%nat) .* ∣ 0 ⟩ .+ (ψ 1%nat 0%nat) .* ∣ 1 ⟩.
Definition xbasis_plus : Vector 2 := / (√ 2) .* (∣0⟩ .+ ∣1⟩).
Definition xbasis_minus : Vector 2 := / (√ 2) .* (∣0⟩ .+ ((-1) .* ∣1⟩)).
Definition ybasis_plus : Vector 2 := / (√ 2) .* (∣0⟩ .+ Ci .* ∣1⟩).
Definition ybasis_minus : Vector 2 := / (√ 2) .* (∣0⟩ .+ ((-Ci) .* ∣1⟩)).
Notation "∣+⟩" := xbasis_plus.
Notation "∣-⟩" := xbasis_minus.
Notation "∣R⟩" := ybasis_plus.
Notation "∣L⟩" := ybasis_minus.
Definition EPRpair : Vector 4 := / (√ 2) .* (∣0,0⟩ .+ ∣1,1⟩).
Notation "∣Φ+⟩" := EPRpair.
Definition hadamard : Matrix 2 2 :=
(fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ (1 / √2)
| 0, 1 ⇒ (1 / √2)
| 1, 0 ⇒ (1 / √2)
| 1, 1 ⇒ -(1 / √2)
| _, _ ⇒ 0
Fixpoint hadamard_k (k : nat) : Matrix (2^k) (2^k):=
match k with
| 0 ⇒ I 1
| S k' ⇒ hadamard ⊗ hadamard_k k'
Lemma hadamard_1 : hadamard_k 1 = hadamard.
Definition σx : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 1 ⇒ C1
| 1, 0 ⇒ C1
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Definition σy : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 1 ⇒ -Ci
| 1, 0 ⇒ Ci
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Definition σz : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ C1
| 1, 1 ⇒ -C1
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Definition sqrtx : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ (1 + Ci)/2
| 0, 1 ⇒ (1 - Ci)/2
| 1, 0 ⇒ (1 - Ci)/2
| 1, 1 ⇒ (1 + Ci)/2
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Lemma sqrtx_sqrtx : sqrtx × sqrtx = σx.
Definition control {n : nat} (A : Matrix n n) : Matrix (2×n) (2×n) :=
fun x y ⇒ if (x <? n) && (y =? x) then 1 else
if (n <=? x) && (n <=? y) then A (x-n)%nat (y-n)%nat else 0.
Definition cnot : Matrix (2×2) (2×2) :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ C1
| 1, 1 ⇒ C1
| 2, 3 ⇒ C1
| 3, 2 ⇒ C1
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Lemma cnot_eq : cnot = control σx.
Definition notc : Matrix (2×2) (2×2) :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 1, 3 ⇒ 1%C
| 3, 1 ⇒ 1%C
| 0, 0 ⇒ 1%C
| 2, 2 ⇒ 1%C
| _, _ ⇒ 0%C
Definition swap : Matrix (2×2) (2×2) :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ C1
| 1, 2 ⇒ C1
| 2, 1 ⇒ C1
| 3, 3 ⇒ C1
| _, _ ⇒ C0
#[export] Hint Unfold qubit0 qubit1 hadamard σx σy σz control cnot swap bra ket : U_db.
Definition rotation (θ ϕ λ : R) : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ (cos (θ/2))
| 0, 1 ⇒ - (Cexp λ) × (sin (θ/2))
| 1, 0 ⇒ (Cexp ϕ) × (sin (θ/2))
| 1, 1 ⇒ (Cexp (ϕ + λ)) × (cos (θ/2))
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Definition phase_shift (ϕ : R) : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ C1
| 1, 1 ⇒ Cexp ϕ
| _, _ ⇒ C0
Definition x_rotation (θ : R) : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ cos (θ / 2)
| 0, 1 ⇒ -Ci × sin (θ / 2)
| 1, 0 ⇒ -Ci × sin (θ / 2)
| 1, 1 ⇒ cos (θ / 2)
| _, _ ⇒ 0
Definition y_rotation (θ : R) : Matrix 2 2 :=
fun x y ⇒ match x, y with
| 0, 0 ⇒ cos (θ / 2)
| 0, 1 ⇒ - sin (θ / 2)
| 1, 0 ⇒ sin (θ / 2)
| 1, 1 ⇒ cos (θ / 2)
| _, _ ⇒ 0
Definition Sgate : Matrix 2 2 := phase_shift (PI / 2).
Definition Tgate := phase_shift (PI / 4).
Lemma x_rotation_pi : x_rotation PI = -Ci .* σx.
Lemma y_rotation_pi : y_rotation PI = -Ci .* σy.
Lemma hadamard_rotation : rotation (PI/2) 0 PI = hadamard.
Lemma pauli_x_rotation : rotation PI 0 PI = σx.
Lemma pauli_y_rotation : rotation PI (PI/2) (PI/2) = σy.
Lemma pauli_z_rotation : rotation 0 0 PI = σz.
Lemma Rx_rotation : ∀ θ, rotation θ (3×PI/2) (PI/2) = x_rotation θ.
Lemma Ry_rotation : ∀ θ, rotation θ 0 0 = y_rotation θ.
Lemma phase_shift_rotation : ∀ θ, rotation 0 0 θ = phase_shift θ.
Lemma I_rotation : rotation 0 0 0 = I 2.
Lemma sqrtx_decompose: sqrtx = hadamard × phase_shift (PI/2) × hadamard.
Lemma Mmult00 : ⟨0∣ × ∣0⟩ = I 1.
Lemma Mmult01 : ⟨0∣ × ∣1⟩ = Zero.
Lemma Mmult10 : ⟨1∣ × ∣0⟩ = Zero.
Lemma Mmult11 : ⟨1∣ × ∣1⟩ = I 1.
Lemma MmultX1 : σx × ∣1⟩ = ∣0⟩.
Lemma Mmult1X : ⟨1∣ × σx = ⟨0∣.
Lemma MmultX0 : σx × ∣0⟩ = ∣1⟩.
Lemma Mmult0X : ⟨0∣ × σx = ⟨1∣.
Lemma MmultXX : σx × σx = I 2.
Lemma MmultYY : σy × σy = I 2.
Lemma MmultZZ : σz × σz = I 2.
Lemma MmultHH : hadamard × hadamard = I 2.
Lemma Mplus01 : ∣0⟩⟨0∣ .+ ∣1⟩⟨1∣ = I 2.
Lemma Mplus10 : ∣1⟩⟨1∣ .+ ∣0⟩⟨0∣ = I 2.
Lemma EPRpair_creation : cnot × (hadamard ⊗ I 2) × ∣0,0⟩ = EPRpair.
Lemma σx_on_right0 : ∀ (q : Vector 2), (q × ⟨0∣) × σx = q × ⟨1∣.
Lemma σx_on_right1 : ∀ (q : Vector 2), (q × ⟨1∣) × σx = q × ⟨0∣.
Lemma σx_on_left0 : ∀ (q : Matrix 1 2), σx × (∣0⟩ × q) = ∣1⟩ × q.
Lemma σx_on_left1 : ∀ (q : Matrix 1 2), σx × (∣1⟩ × q) = ∣0⟩ × q.
Lemma cancel00 : ∀ (q1 : Matrix 2 1) (q2 : Matrix 1 2),
WF_Matrix q2 →
(q1 × ⟨0∣) × (∣0⟩ × q2) = q1 × q2.
Lemma cancel01 : ∀ (q1 : Matrix 2 1) (q2 : Matrix 1 2),
(q1 × ⟨0∣) × (∣1⟩ × q2) = Zero.
Lemma cancel10 : ∀ (q1 : Matrix 2 1) (q2 : Matrix 1 2),
(q1 × ⟨1∣) × (∣0⟩ × q2) = Zero.
Lemma cancel11 : ∀ (q1 : Matrix 2 1) (q2 : Matrix 1 2),
WF_Matrix q2 →
(q1 × ⟨1∣) × (∣1⟩ × q2) = q1 × q2.
Hint Rewrite Mmult00 Mmult01 Mmult10 Mmult11 Mmult0X MmultX0 Mmult1X MmultX1 : Q_db.
Hint Rewrite MmultXX MmultYY MmultZZ MmultHH Mplus01 Mplus10 EPRpair_creation : Q_db.
Hint Rewrite σx_on_right0 σx_on_right1 σx_on_left0 σx_on_left1 : Q_db.
Hint Rewrite cancel00 cancel01 cancel10 cancel11 using (auto with wf_db) : Q_db.
Lemma swap_swap : swap × swap = I (2×2).
Lemma swap_swap_r : ∀ (A : Matrix (2×2) (2×2)),
WF_Matrix A →
A × swap × swap = A.
Hint Rewrite swap_swap swap_swap_r using (auto 100 with wf_db): Q_db.
Fixpoint swap_to_0_aux (n i : nat) {struct i} : Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
match i with
| O ⇒ swap ⊗ I (2^(n-2))
| S i' ⇒ (I (2^i) ⊗ swap ⊗ I (2^(n-i-2))) ×
swap_to_0_aux n i' ×
(I (2^i) ⊗ swap ⊗ I (2^(n-i-2)))
Definition swap_to_0 (n i : nat) : Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
match i with
| O ⇒ I (2^n)
| S i' ⇒ swap_to_0_aux n i'
Fixpoint swap_two_aux (n i j : nat) : Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
match i with
| O ⇒ swap_to_0 n j
| S i' ⇒ I 2 ⊗ swap_two_aux (n-1) (i') (j-1)
Definition swap_two (n i j : nat) : Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
if i =? j then I (2^n)
else if i <? j then swap_two_aux n i j
else swap_two_aux n j i.
Fixpoint move_to_0_aux (n i : nat) {struct i}: Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
match i with
| O ⇒ swap ⊗ I (2^(n-2))
| S i' ⇒ (move_to_0_aux n i') × (I (2^i) ⊗ swap ⊗ I (2^(n-i-2)))
Definition move_to_0 (n i : nat) : Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
match i with
| O ⇒ I (2^n)
| S i' ⇒ move_to_0_aux n i'
Fixpoint move_to (n i k : nat) : Matrix (2^n) (2^n) :=
match k with
| O ⇒ move_to_0 n i
| S k' ⇒ I 2 ⊗ move_to (n-1) (i-1) (k')
Well Formedness of Quantum States and Unitaries
Lemma WF_bra0 : WF_Matrix ⟨0∣.
Lemma WF_bra1 : WF_Matrix ⟨1∣.
Lemma WF_qubit0 : WF_Matrix ∣0⟩.
Lemma WF_qubit1 : WF_Matrix ∣1⟩.
Lemma WF_braqubit0 : WF_Matrix ∣0⟩⟨0∣.
Lemma WF_braqubit1 : WF_Matrix ∣1⟩⟨1∣.
Lemma WF_bool_to_ket : ∀ b, WF_Matrix (bool_to_ket b).
Lemma WF_bool_to_matrix : ∀ b, WF_Matrix (bool_to_matrix b).
Lemma WF_bool_to_matrix' : ∀ b, WF_Matrix (bool_to_matrix' b).
Lemma WF_ket : ∀ n, WF_Matrix (ket n).
Lemma WF_bra : ∀ n, WF_Matrix (bra n).
Lemma WF_bools_to_matrix : ∀ l,
@WF_Matrix (2^(length l)) (2^(length l)) (bools_to_matrix l).
Lemma WF_xbasis_plus : WF_Matrix ∣+⟩.
Lemma WF_xbasis_minus : WF_Matrix ∣-⟩.
Lemma WF_ybasis_plus : WF_Matrix ∣R⟩.
Lemma WF_ybasis_minus : WF_Matrix ∣L⟩.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_bra0 WF_bra1 WF_qubit0 WF_qubit1 WF_braqubit0 WF_braqubit1 : wf_db.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_bool_to_ket WF_bool_to_matrix WF_bool_to_matrix' : wf_db.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_ket WF_bra WF_bools_to_matrix : wf_db.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_xbasis_plus WF_xbasis_minus WF_ybasis_plus WF_ybasis_minus : wf_db.
Lemma WF_EPRpair : WF_Matrix ∣Φ+⟩.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_EPRpair : wf_db.
Lemma WF_hadamard : WF_Matrix hadamard.
Lemma WF_σx : WF_Matrix σx.
Lemma WF_σy : WF_Matrix σy.
Lemma WF_σz : WF_Matrix σz.
Lemma WF_cnot : WF_Matrix cnot.
Lemma WF_notc : WF_Matrix notc.
Lemma WF_swap : WF_Matrix swap.
Lemma WF_rotation : ∀ θ ϕ λ, WF_Matrix (rotation θ ϕ λ).
Lemma WF_phase : ∀ ϕ, WF_Matrix (phase_shift ϕ).
Lemma WF_Sgate : WF_Matrix Sgate.
Lemma WF_Tgate: WF_Matrix Tgate.
Lemma WF_control : ∀ (n : nat) (U : Matrix n n),
WF_Matrix U → WF_Matrix (control U).
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_hadamard WF_σx WF_σy WF_σz WF_cnot WF_notc WF_swap : wf_db.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_phase WF_Sgate WF_Tgate WF_rotation : wf_db.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (WF_Matrix (phase_shift _)) ⇒ apply WF_phase : wf_db.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (WF_Matrix (control _)) ⇒ apply WF_control : wf_db.
Lemma direct_sum_decomp : ∀ (m n o p : nat) (A B : Matrix m n),
WF_Matrix A → WF_Matrix B →
A .⊕ B = ∣0⟩⟨0∣ ⊗ A .+ ∣1⟩⟨1∣ ⊗ B.
Unitaries are unitary
Definition WF_Unitary {n: nat} (U : Matrix n n): Prop :=
WF_Matrix U ∧ U † × U = I n.
#[export] Hint Unfold WF_Unitary : U_db.
Lemma H_unitary : WF_Unitary hadamard.
Lemma σx_unitary : WF_Unitary σx.
Lemma σy_unitary : WF_Unitary σy.
Lemma σz_unitary : WF_Unitary σz.
Lemma phase_unitary : ∀ ϕ, @WF_Unitary 2 (phase_shift ϕ).
Lemma S_unitary : WF_Unitary Sgate.
Lemma T_unitary : WF_Unitary Tgate.
Lemma rotation_unitary : ∀ θ ϕ λ, @WF_Unitary 2 (rotation θ ϕ λ).
Lemma x_rotation_unitary : ∀ θ, @WF_Unitary 2 (x_rotation θ).
Lemma y_rotation_unitary : ∀ θ, @WF_Unitary 2 (y_rotation θ).
Lemma control_unitary : ∀ n (A : Matrix n n),
WF_Unitary A → WF_Unitary (control A).
#[export] Hint Resolve H_unitary S_unitary T_unitary σx_unitary σy_unitary σz_unitary : unit_db.
#[export] Hint Resolve phase_unitary rotation_unitary x_rotation_unitary y_rotation_unitary control_unitary : unit_db.
Lemma transpose_unitary : ∀ n (A : Matrix n n), WF_Unitary A → WF_Unitary (A†).
Lemma cnot_unitary : WF_Unitary cnot.
Lemma notc_unitary : WF_Unitary notc.
Lemma id_unitary : ∀ n, WF_Unitary (I n).
Lemma swap_unitary : WF_Unitary swap.
Lemma zero_not_unitary : ∀ n, ¬ (WF_Unitary (@Zero (2^n) (2^n))).
Lemma kron_unitary : ∀ {m n} (A : Matrix m m) (B : Matrix n n),
WF_Unitary A → WF_Unitary B → WF_Unitary (A ⊗ B).
Lemma big_kron_unitary : ∀ (n : nat) (ls : list (Square n)),
(∀ a, In a ls → WF_Unitary a) → WF_Unitary (⨂ ls).
Lemma big_kron_unitary' : ∀ (n m : nat) (ls : list (Square n)),
length ls = m → (∀ a, In a ls → WF_Unitary a) → @WF_Unitary (n^m) (⨂ ls).
Lemma Mmult_unitary : ∀ (n : nat) (A : Square n) (B : Square n),
WF_Unitary A →
WF_Unitary B →
WF_Unitary (A × B).
Lemma scale_unitary : ∀ (n : nat) (c : C) (A : Square n),
WF_Unitary A →
(c × c ^*)%C = C1 →
WF_Unitary (c .* A).
#[export] Hint Resolve transpose_unitary cnot_unitary notc_unitary id_unitary : unit_db.
#[export] Hint Resolve swap_unitary zero_not_unitary kron_unitary big_kron_unitary big_kron_unitary' Mmult_unitary scale_unitary : unit_db.
Lemma hadamard_st : hadamard ⊤ = hadamard.
Lemma adjoint_transpose_comm : ∀ m n (A : Matrix m n),
A † ⊤ = A ⊤ †.
Definition id_sa := id_adjoint_eq.
Lemma hadamard_sa : hadamard† = hadamard.
Lemma σx_sa : σx† = σx.
Lemma σy_sa : σy† = σy.
Lemma σz_sa : σz† = σz.
Lemma cnot_sa : cnot† = cnot.
Lemma swap_sa : swap† = swap.
Lemma control_adjoint : ∀ n (U : Square n), (control U)† = control (U†).
Lemma control_sa : ∀ (n : nat) (A : Square n),
A† = A → (control A)† = (control A).
Lemma phase_adjoint : ∀ ϕ, (phase_shift ϕ)† = phase_shift (-ϕ).
Lemma rotation_adjoint : ∀ θ ϕ λ, (rotation θ ϕ λ)† = rotation (-θ) (-λ) (-ϕ).
Lemma braqubit0_sa : ∣0⟩⟨0∣† = ∣0⟩⟨0∣.
Lemma braqubit1_sa : ∣1⟩⟨1∣† = ∣1⟩⟨1∣.
Hint Rewrite hadamard_sa σx_sa σy_sa σz_sa cnot_sa swap_sa braqubit1_sa braqubit0_sa control_adjoint phase_adjoint rotation_adjoint : Q_db.
Lemma cnot_decomposition : ∣1⟩⟨1∣ ⊗ σx .+ ∣0⟩⟨0∣ ⊗ I 2 = cnot.
Lemma notc_decomposition : σx ⊗ ∣1⟩⟨1∣ .+ I 2 ⊗ ∣0⟩⟨0∣ = notc.
Lemma phase_0 : phase_shift 0 = I 2.
Lemma phase_2pi : phase_shift (2 × PI) = I 2.
Lemma phase_pi : phase_shift PI = σz.
Lemma phase_neg_pi : phase_shift (-PI) = σz.
Lemma phase_mul : ∀ θ θ', phase_shift θ × phase_shift θ' = phase_shift (θ + θ').
Lemma phase_PI4_m8 : ∀ k,
phase_shift (IZR k × PI / 4) = phase_shift (IZR (k - 8) × PI / 4).
Lemma phase_mod_2PI : ∀ k, phase_shift (IZR k × PI) = phase_shift (IZR (k mod 2) × PI).
Lemma phase_mod_2PI_scaled : ∀ (k sc : Z),
sc ≠ 0%Z →
phase_shift (IZR k × PI / IZR sc) = phase_shift (IZR (k mod (2 × sc)) × PI / IZR sc).
Hint Rewrite phase_0 phase_2pi phase_pi phase_neg_pi : Q_db.
Definition positive_semidefinite {n} (A : Square n) : Prop :=
∀ (z : Vector n), WF_Matrix z → fst ((z† × A × z) O O) ≥ 0.
Lemma pure_psd : ∀ (n : nat) (ϕ : Vector n), (WF_Matrix ϕ) → positive_semidefinite (ϕ × ϕ†).
Lemma braket0_psd : positive_semidefinite ∣0⟩⟨0∣.
Lemma braket1_psd : positive_semidefinite ∣1⟩⟨1∣.
Lemma H0_psd : positive_semidefinite (hadamard × ∣0⟩⟨0∣ × hadamard).
Notation Density n := (Matrix n n) (only parsing).
Definition Classical {n} (ρ : Density n) := ∀ i j, i ≠ j → ρ i j = 0.
Definition Pure_State_Vector {n} (φ : Vector n): Prop :=
WF_Matrix φ ∧ φ† × φ = I 1.
Definition Pure_State {n} (ρ : Density n) : Prop :=
∃ φ, Pure_State_Vector φ ∧ ρ = φ × φ†.
Inductive Mixed_State {n} : Matrix n n → Prop :=
| Pure_S : ∀ ρ, Pure_State ρ → Mixed_State ρ
| Mix_S : ∀ (p : R) ρ1 ρ2, 0 < p < 1 → Mixed_State ρ1 → Mixed_State ρ2 →
Mixed_State (p .* ρ1 .+ (1-p)%R .* ρ2).
Lemma WF_Pure : ∀ {n} (ρ : Density n), Pure_State ρ → WF_Matrix ρ.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_Pure : wf_db.
Lemma WF_Mixed : ∀ {n} (ρ : Density n), Mixed_State ρ → WF_Matrix ρ.
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_Mixed : wf_db.
Lemma pure0 : Pure_State ∣0⟩⟨0∣.
Lemma pure1 : Pure_State ∣1⟩⟨1∣.
Lemma pure_id1 : Pure_State (I 1).
Lemma pure_dim1 : ∀ (ρ : Square 1), Pure_State ρ → ρ = I 1.
Lemma pure_state_unitary_pres : ∀ {n} (ϕ : Vector n) (U : Square n),
Pure_State_Vector ϕ → WF_Unitary U → Pure_State_Vector (U × ϕ).
Lemma pure_state_vector_kron : ∀ {n m} (ϕ : Vector n) (ψ : Vector m),
Pure_State_Vector ϕ → Pure_State_Vector ψ → Pure_State_Vector (ϕ ⊗ ψ).
Lemma pure_state_kron : ∀ m n (ρ : Square m) (φ : Square n),
Pure_State ρ → Pure_State φ → Pure_State (ρ ⊗ φ).
Lemma mixed_state_kron : ∀ m n (ρ : Square m) (φ : Square n),
Mixed_State ρ → Mixed_State φ → Mixed_State (ρ ⊗ φ).
Lemma pure_state_trace_1 : ∀ {n} (ρ : Density n), Pure_State ρ → trace ρ = 1.
Lemma mixed_state_trace_1 : ∀ {n} (ρ : Density n), Mixed_State ρ → trace ρ = 1.
Lemma mixed_state_diag_in01 : ∀ {n} (ρ : Density n) i , Mixed_State ρ →
0 ≤ fst (ρ i i) ≤ 1.
Lemma mixed_state_diag_real : ∀ {n} (ρ : Density n) i , Mixed_State ρ →
snd (ρ i i) = 0.
Lemma mixed_dim1 : ∀ (ρ : Square 1), Mixed_State ρ → ρ = I 1.
Definition norm {n} (ψ : Vector n) : R :=
sqrt (fst ((ψ† × ψ) O O)).
Lemma norm_real : ∀ {n} (v : Vector n), snd ((v† × v) 0%nat 0%nat) = 0%R.
Definition normalize {n} (ψ : Vector n) :=
/ (norm ψ) .* ψ.
Lemma inner_product_ge_0 : ∀ {d} (ψ : Vector d),
0 ≤ fst ((ψ† × ψ) O O).
Lemma norm_scale : ∀ {n} c (v : Vector n), norm (c .* v) = ((Cmod c) × norm v)%R.
Lemma div_real : ∀ (c : C),
snd c = 0 → snd (/ c) = 0.
Lemma Cmod_real : ∀ (c : C),
fst c ≥ 0 → snd c = 0 → Cmod c = fst c.
Lemma normalized_norm_1 : ∀ {n} (v : Vector n),
norm v ≠ 0 → norm (normalize v) = 1.
Lemma rewrite_norm : ∀ {d} (ψ : Vector d),
fst (((ψ) † × ψ) O O) = big_sum (fun i ⇒ Cmod (ψ i O) ^ 2)%R d.
Lemma norm_zero_iff_zero : ∀ {n} (v : Vector n),
WF_Matrix v → (norm v = 0%R ↔ v = Zero).
Density matrices and superoperators
Definition Superoperator m n := Density m → Density n.
Definition WF_Superoperator {m n} (f : Superoperator m n) :=
(∀ ρ, Mixed_State ρ → Mixed_State (f ρ)).
Definition super {m n} (M : Matrix m n) : Superoperator n m := fun ρ ⇒
M × ρ × M†.
Lemma super_I : ∀ n ρ,
WF_Matrix ρ →
super (I n) ρ = ρ.
Lemma WF_super : ∀ m n (U : Matrix m n) (ρ : Square n),
WF_Matrix U → WF_Matrix ρ → WF_Matrix (super U ρ).
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_super : wf_db.
Lemma super_outer_product : ∀ m (φ : Matrix m 1) (U : Matrix m m),
super U (outer_product φ φ) = outer_product (U × φ) (U × φ).
Definition compose_super {m n p} (g : Superoperator n p) (f : Superoperator m n)
: Superoperator m p := fun ρ ⇒ g (f ρ).
Lemma WF_compose_super : ∀ m n p (g : Superoperator n p) (f : Superoperator m n)
(ρ : Square m),
WF_Matrix ρ →
(∀ A, WF_Matrix A → WF_Matrix (f A)) →
(∀ A, WF_Matrix A → WF_Matrix (g A)) →
WF_Matrix (compose_super g f ρ).
#[export] Hint Resolve WF_compose_super : wf_db.
Lemma compose_super_correct : ∀ {m n p}
(g : Superoperator n p) (f : Superoperator m n),
WF_Superoperator g →
WF_Superoperator f →
WF_Superoperator (compose_super g f).
Definition sum_super {m n} (f g : Superoperator m n) : Superoperator m n :=
fun ρ ⇒ (1/2)%R .* f ρ .+ (1 - 1/2)%R .* g ρ.
Lemma sum_super_correct : ∀ m n (f g : Superoperator m n),
WF_Superoperator f → WF_Superoperator g → WF_Superoperator (sum_super f g).
Definition SZero {m n} : Superoperator m n := fun ρ ⇒ Zero.
Definition Splus {m n} (S T : Superoperator m n) : Superoperator m n :=
fun ρ ⇒ S ρ .+ T ρ.
Definition new0_op : Superoperator 1 2 := super ∣0⟩.
Definition new1_op : Superoperator 1 2 := super ∣1⟩.
Definition meas_op : Superoperator 2 2 := Splus (super ∣0⟩⟨0∣) (super ∣1⟩⟨1∣).
Definition discard_op : Superoperator 2 1 := Splus (super ⟨0∣) (super ⟨1∣).
Lemma pure_unitary : ∀ {n} (U ρ : Matrix n n),
WF_Unitary U → Pure_State ρ → Pure_State (super U ρ).
Lemma mixed_unitary : ∀ {n} (U ρ : Matrix n n),
WF_Unitary U → Mixed_State ρ → Mixed_State (super U ρ).
Lemma super_unitary_correct : ∀ {n} (U : Matrix n n),
WF_Unitary U → WF_Superoperator (super U).
Lemma compose_super_assoc : ∀ {m n p q}
(f : Superoperator m n) (g : Superoperator n p) (h : Superoperator p q),
compose_super (compose_super f g) h
= compose_super f (compose_super g h).
Lemma compose_super_eq : ∀ {m n p} (A : Matrix m n) (B : Matrix n p),
compose_super (super A) (super B) = super (A × B).
Ltac Qsimpl := try restore_dims; autorewrite with M_db_light M_db Q_db.
Lemma swap_spec : ∀ (q q' : Vector 2), WF_Matrix q →
WF_Matrix q' →
swap × (q ⊗ q') = q' ⊗ q.
Hint Rewrite swap_spec using (auto 100 with wf_db) : Q_db.
Example swap_to_0_test_24 : ∀ (q0 q1 q2 q3 : Vector 2),
WF_Matrix q0 → WF_Matrix q1 → WF_Matrix q2 → WF_Matrix q3 →
swap_to_0 4 2 × (q0 ⊗ q1 ⊗ q2 ⊗ q3) = (q2 ⊗ q1 ⊗ q0 ⊗ q3).
Lemma swap_two_base : swap_two 2 1 0 = swap.
Lemma swap_second_two : swap_two 3 1 2 = I 2 ⊗ swap.
Lemma swap_0_2 : swap_two 3 0 2 = (I 2 ⊗ swap) × (swap ⊗ I 2) × (I 2 ⊗ swap).
Example move_to_0_test_24 : ∀ (q0 q1 q2 q3 : Vector 2),
WF_Matrix q0 → WF_Matrix q1 → WF_Matrix q2 → WF_Matrix q3 →
move_to_0 4 2 × (q0 ⊗ q1 ⊗ q2 ⊗ q3) = (q2 ⊗ q0 ⊗ q1 ⊗ q3).