
This file contains more concepts relevent to quantum computing, as well as some more general linear algebra concepts such as Gram-Schmidt and eigenvectors/eigenvalues.

Require Import List.
Require Export Complex.
Require Export Quantum.
Require Import FTA.

Proving some indentities

Ltac Hhelper :=
   unfold Mmult;
   unfold big_sum;
   unfold I;
   try lca;

Lemma Y_eq_iXZ : σy = Ci .* σx × σz.
Lemma H_eq_Hadjoint : hadamard = hadamard.

Hint Rewrite Y_eq_iXZ H_eq_Hadjoint : Q_db.

Lemma ItimesIid : I 2 × I 2 = I 2.
Lemma XtimesXid : σx × σx = I 2.
Lemma YtimesYid : σy × σy = I 2.
Lemma ZtimesZid : σz × σz = I 2.
Lemma HtimesHid : hadamard × hadamard = I 2.

Hint Rewrite ItimesIid XtimesXid YtimesYid ZtimesZid HtimesHid : Q_db.

Lemma ZH_eq_HX : σz × hadamard = hadamard × σx.
Lemma XH_eq_HZ : σx × hadamard = hadamard × σz.
Lemma SX_eq_YS : Sgate × σx = σy × Sgate.
Lemma SZ_eq_ZS : Sgate × σz = σz × Sgate.
Lemma cnotX1 : cnot × (σx I 2) = (σx σx) × cnot.
Lemma cnotX2 : cnot × (I 2 σx) = (I 2 σx) × cnot.
Lemma cnotZ1 : cnot × (σz I 2) = (σz I 2) × cnot.
Lemma cnotZ2 : cnot × (I 2 σz) = (σz σz) × cnot.

Hint Rewrite ZH_eq_HX XH_eq_HZ SX_eq_YS SZ_eq_ZS cnotX1 cnotX2 cnotZ1 cnotZ2 : Q_db.

Defining orthonormal matrix

Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Definition orthogonal {n m} (S : Matrix n m) : Prop :=
   i j, i j inner_product (get_vec i S) (get_vec j S) = C0.

Definition orthonormal {n m} (S : Matrix n m) : Prop :=
  orthogonal S ( (i : nat), i < m norm (get_vec i S) = 1%R).

Definition WF_Orthonormal {n m} (S : Matrix n m) : Prop :=
  WF_Matrix S orthonormal S.

Lemma inner_product_is_mult : {n} (i j : nat) (S : Square n),
  inner_product (get_vec i S) (get_vec j S) = (S × S) i j.

Lemma inner_product_comm_conj : {n} (v u : Vector n),
  inner_product v u = Cconj (inner_product u v).

showing that all matrices have some eigenvector

Definition MatrixP (m n : nat) := nat nat Polynomial.

Notation SquareP n := (MatrixP n n).

Definition eval_matP {n m} (A : MatrixP n m) (c : C) : Matrix n m :=
  fun x y(A x y)[[c]].

Definition reduceP {n} (A : SquareP (S n)) (row col : nat) : SquareP n :=
  fun x y ⇒ (if x <? row
              then (if y <? col
                    then A x y
                    else A x (1+y))
              else (if y <? col
                    then A (1+x) y
                    else A (1+x) (1+y))).

Lemma reduceP_eval_mat : {n} (A : SquareP (S n)) (c : C) (x y : nat),
  reduce (eval_matP A c) x y = eval_matP (reduceP A x y) c.

Fixpoint DeterminantP (n : nat) (A : SquareP n) : Polynomial :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ [C1]
  | S 0 ⇒ A 0 0
  | S n' ⇒ (big_sum (fun i[(parity i)] *, (A i 0) *, (DeterminantP n' (reduceP A i 0)))%C n)

Arguments DeterminantP {n}.

Lemma DetP_simplify : {n} (A : SquareP (S (S n))),
  DeterminantP A =
  (big_sum (fun i[(parity i)] *, (A i 0) *, (DeterminantP (reduceP A i 0)))%C (S (S n))).

Lemma Peval_Det : {n} (A : SquareP n) (c : C),
  Determinant (eval_matP A c) = (DeterminantP A)[[c]].

Definition prep_mat {n} (A : Square n) : SquareP n :=
  (fun x yif (x =? y) && (x <? n) then [A x y; -C1] else [A x y]).

Definition deg_elem_leq_1 {n} (A : SquareP n) : Prop :=
   i j, degree (A i j) 1.

Lemma del1_reduce : {n} (A : SquareP (S n)) (i j : nat),
  deg_elem_leq_1 A deg_elem_leq_1 (reduceP A i j).

Lemma bound_deg_matP : {n} (A : SquareP n),
  deg_elem_leq_1 A degree (DeterminantP A) n.

Lemma del1_prep_mat : {n} (A : Square n),
  deg_elem_leq_1 (prep_mat A).

Lemma reduce_prep_mat : {n} (A : Square (S n)),
  reduceP (prep_mat A) 0 0 = prep_mat (reduce A 0 0).

Lemma detP_deg : {n} (A : Square n),
  degree (DeterminantP (prep_mat A)) = n.

Lemma connect : (n : nat) (A : Square (S n)),
   (p : Polynomial), (Polynomial.degree p) > 0
    ( c : C, Determinant (A .+ (-c .* I (S n))) = p[[c]]).

Lemma connect2 : (n : nat) (A : Square (S n)),
   (c : C), det_eq_c C0 (A .+ (-c .* I (S n))).

Lemma exists_eigenvector : (n : nat) (A : Square (S n)),
  WF_Matrix A
   (c : C) (v : Vector (S n)), WF_Matrix v v Zero A × v = c.* v.

Lemmas relating to forming bases

Definition form_basis {n} (v : Vector n) (non_zero : nat) : Matrix n n :=
  fun x yif (y =? non_zero)
             then (v x 0)
             else (@e_i n y x 0).

Lemma WF_form_basis : {n} (v : Vector n) (x : nat),
  WF_Matrix v x < n WF_Matrix (form_basis v x).

Lemma get_v_in_basis : {n} (v : Vector n) (x : nat),
  WF_Matrix v get_vec x (form_basis v x) = v.

Lemma get_ei_in_basis : {n} (v : Vector n) (x y : nat),
  y < n y x get_vec y (form_basis v x) = e_i y.

Lemma form_basis_ver : {n} (v : Vector n) (x : nat),
  v Zero WF_Matrix v v x 0 C0 x < n
  linearly_independent (form_basis v x) get_vec x (form_basis v x) = v.

Lemma lin_indep_out_of_v : {n} (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix v v Zero
   S : Square n, WF_Matrix S linearly_independent S get_vec 0 S = v.

Defining and verifying the gram_schmidt algorythm and proving v can be part of an onb

Definition proj {n} (u v : Vector n) : Vector n :=
  ((inner_product u v) / (inner_product u u)) .* u.

Definition proj_coef {n} (u v : Vector n) : C :=
  ((inner_product u v) / (inner_product u u)).

Lemma proj_inner_product : {n} (u v : Vector n),
  (norm u) 0%R inner_product u (proj u v) = inner_product u v.

Definition gram_schmidt_on_v (n m : nat) (v : Vector n) (S : Matrix n m) :=
  v .+ (big_sum (fun i(-C1) .* (proj (get_vec i S) v)) m).

Definition delta_T {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)) (i : nat) : C :=
  match i =? m with
  | trueC1
  | _- (proj_coef (get_vec i T) (get_vec m T))

Definition gram_schmidt_on_T (n m : nat) (T : Matrix n (S m)) : Vector n :=
  big_sum (fun i ⇒ (delta_T T) i .* (get_vec i T)) (S m).

Lemma WF_gs_on_T : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)),
  WF_Matrix T WF_Matrix (gram_schmidt_on_T n m T).

Lemma gram_schmidt_compare : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)),
  inner_product (get_vec m T) (get_vec m T) C0
  gram_schmidt_on_T n m T = gram_schmidt_on_v n m (get_vec m T) (reduce_col T m).

Lemma gram_schmidt_orthogonal : {n m} (v : Vector n) (S : Matrix n m) (i : nat),
  orthonormal S i < m inner_product (get_vec i S) (gram_schmidt_on_v n m v S) = C0.

Definition f_to_vec (n : nat) (f : nat C) : Vector n :=
  fun i jif (j =? 0) && (i <? n) then f i else C0.

Lemma WF_f_to_vec : (n : nat) (f : nat C), WF_Matrix (f_to_vec n f).

Lemma Msum_to_Mmult : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)) (f : nat C),
  big_sum (fun if i .* get_vec i T) (S m) = T × (f_to_vec (S m) f).

Lemma gram_schmidt_non_zero : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)),
  linearly_independent T gram_schmidt_on_T n m T Zero.

Lemma inner_product_zero_normalize : {n} (u v : Vector n),
  inner_product u v = C0 inner_product u (normalize v) = C0.

Lemma get_vec_reduce_append_miss : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)) (v : Vector n) (i : nat),
  i < m get_vec i (col_append (reduce_col T m) v) = get_vec i T.

Lemma get_vec_reduce_append_hit : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)) (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix v get_vec m (col_append (reduce_col T m) v) = v.

Lemma get_vec_reduce_append_over : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)) (v : Vector n) (i : nat),
  WF_Matrix T i > m
  get_vec i (col_append (reduce_col T m) v) = Zero.

Lemma extend_onb_ind_step_part1 : {n m} (T : Matrix n (S m)),
  WF_Matrix T linearly_independent T orthonormal (reduce_col T m)
  orthonormal (col_append (reduce_col T m) (normalize (gram_schmidt_on_T n m T))).

Definition delta_T' {n m} (T : Matrix n m) (v : Vector n) (size : nat) : nat C :=
  fun iif (i <? size)
           then - (proj_coef (get_vec i T) v)
           else C0.

Lemma gs_on_T_cols_add : {n m1 m2} (T1 : Matrix n m1) (T2 : Matrix n m2) (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix v
  smash (col_append T1 (gram_schmidt_on_T n m1 (col_append T1 v))) T2 =
  @col_add_many n ((S m1) + m2) m1 (f_to_vec (m1 + m2) (delta_T' T1 v m1))
                             (smash (col_append T1 v) T2).

Lemma smash_scale : {n m1 m2} (T1 : Matrix n m1) (T2 : Matrix n m2) (v : Vector n),
  smash (col_append T1 (normalize v)) T2 =
  col_scale (smash (col_append T1 v) T2) m1 (/ norm v).

Lemma extend_onb_ind_step_part2 : {n m1 m2} (T1 : Matrix n m1) (T2 : Matrix n m2)
                                                   (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix T1 WF_Matrix T2 WF_Matrix v v Zero
  linearly_independent (smash (col_append T1 v) T2)
  linearly_independent (smash (col_append T1
                                    (normalize (gram_schmidt_on_T n m1 (col_append T1 v)))) T2).

Lemma extend_onb_ind_step : {n m1 m2} (T1 : Matrix n m1) (T2 : Matrix n m2) (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix T1 WF_Matrix T2 WF_Matrix v
  linearly_independent (smash (col_append T1 v) T2) orthonormal T1
   v1, WF_Matrix v1 orthonormal (col_append T1 v1)
             linearly_independent (smash (col_append T1 v1) T2).

Lemma extend_onb : (n m2 m1 : nat) (T1 : Matrix n (S m1)) (T2 : Matrix n m2),
  WF_Matrix T1 WF_Matrix T2
  linearly_independent (smash T1 T2) orthonormal T1
   T2' : Matrix n m2, WF_Matrix T2' orthonormal (smash T1 T2').

Lemma get_vec_vec : {n} (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix v get_vec 0 v = v.

Lemma orthonormal_normalize_v : {n} (v : Vector n),
  v Zero WF_Matrix v orthonormal (normalize v).

Theorem onb_out_of_v : {n} (v : Vector n),
  WF_Matrix v v Zero
   T : Square n, WF_Orthonormal T get_vec 0 T = normalize v.

some useful facts about unitary matrices

We now define diagonal matrices and diagonizable matrices, proving basic lemmas

Definition WF_Diagonal {n : nat} (A : Square n) : Prop :=
  WF_Matrix A i j, i j A i j = C0.

Lemma diag_Zero : n : nat, WF_Diagonal (@Zero n n).

Lemma diag_I : n : nat, WF_Diagonal (I n).

Lemma diag_I1 : WF_Diagonal (I 1).

Lemma diag_scale : {n : nat} (r : C) (A : Square n),
  WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal (r .* A).

Lemma diag_plus : {n} (A B : Square n),
  WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal B WF_Diagonal (A .+ B).

Lemma diag_mult : {n : nat} (A B : Square n),
  WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal B WF_Diagonal (A × B).

Lemma div_mod_eq : (a b m : nat),
  m 0 (a / m = b / m) (a mod m = b mod m) a = b.

Lemma diag_kron : {n m : nat} (A : Square n) (B : Square m),
                  WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal B WF_Diagonal (A B).

Lemma diag_transpose : {n : nat} (A : Square n),
                     WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal A.

Lemma diag_adjoint : {n : nat} (A : Square n),
      WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal A.

Lemma diag_kron_n : (n : nat) {m : nat} (A : Square m),
   WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal (kron_n n A).

Lemma diag_big_kron : n (l : list (Square n)),
                        ( A, In A l WF_Diagonal A)
                         WF_Diagonal ( l).

Lemma diag_Mmult_n : n {m} (A : Square m),
   WF_Diagonal A WF_Diagonal (Mmult_n n A).

defining what it means to be diagonalizable

Defining Cprod, similar to big_sum

Fixpoint Cprod (f : nat C) (n : nat) : C :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ C1
  | S n' ⇒ (Cprod f n' × f n')%C

Lemma Cprod_0_bounded : (f : nat C) (n : nat),
  ( i, i < n f i = C0) Cprod f n = C0.

Lemma Cprod_eq_bounded : (f g : nat C) (n : nat),
  ( i : nat, i < n f i = g i) Cprod f n = Cprod g n.

Lemma Cprod_extend_r : (f : nat C) (n : nat),
  (Cprod f n × f n)%C = Cprod f (S n).

Lemma Cprod_extend_l : (f : nat C) (n : nat),
  (f 0 × (Cprod (fun xf (S x)) n))%C = Cprod f (S n).

Lemma Cprod_product : (f g h : nat C) (n : nat),
  ( i, i < n h i = (f i × g i)%C) ((Cprod f n) × (Cprod g n))%C = Cprod h n.

Defining upper triangular matrix

Definition upper_triangular {n} (A : Square n) : Prop :=
   i j, i > j A i j = C0.

Lemma up_tri_Zero : n : nat, upper_triangular (@Zero n n).

Lemma up_tri_I : n : nat, upper_triangular (I n).

Lemma up_tri_I1 : upper_triangular (I 1).

Lemma up_tri_scale : {n : nat} (r : C) (A : Square n),
  upper_triangular A upper_triangular (r .* A).

Lemma up_tri_plus : {n} (A B : Square n),
  upper_triangular A upper_triangular B upper_triangular (A .+ B).

Lemma up_tri_mult : {n : nat} (A B : Square n),
  upper_triangular A upper_triangular B upper_triangular (A × B).

Lemma up_tri_reduce_0 : {n : nat} (A : Square (S n)),
  upper_triangular A upper_triangular (reduce A 0 0).

Lemma det_up_tri_diags : {n : nat} (A : Square n),
  upper_triangular A
  Determinant A = Cprod (fun iA i i) n.

Defining eignestates to be used in type system

Definition Eigenpair {n : nat} (U : Square n) (p : Vector n × C) : Prop :=
  U × (fst p) = (snd p) .* (fst p).

Lemma all_v_eigen_I : (n : nat) (v : Vector n),
   WF_Matrix v Eigenpair (I n) (v, C1).

Lemma diags_have_basis_eigens : (n : nat) (U : Square n) (i : nat),
  (i < n) WF_Diagonal U Eigenpair U (e_i i, U i i).

Local Close Scope nat_scope.

Lemma eigen_scale : {n} (A : Square n) (v : Vector n) (c1 c2 : C),
  Eigenpair A (v, c1) Eigenpair (c2 .* A) (v, c1 × c2).

Lemma eigen_scale_div : {n} (A : Square n) (v : Vector n) (c1 c2 : C),
  c2 C0 Eigenpair (c2 .* A) (v, Cmult c2 c1) Eigenpair A (v, c1).

Lemma eig_unit_invertible : {n} (v : Vector n) (c : C) (X X' B : Square n),
  WF_Matrix v WF_Matrix X WF_Matrix X' X' × X = I n
  Eigenpair B (X × v, c) Eigenpair (X' × B × X) (v, c).

Lemma eig_unit_conv : {n} (v : Vector n) (c : C) (U B : Square n),
  WF_Matrix v WF_Unitary U
  Eigenpair B (U × v, c) Eigenpair (U × B × U) (v, c).

Lemma eig_unit_norm1 : {n} (U : Square n) (c : C),
  WF_Unitary U ( v, WF_Matrix v v Zero Eigenpair U (v, c)) (c × c^* = C1)%C.

Next, we show that unitary matrices are diagonalizable

Lemma unit_has_eigen : {n} (A : Square (S n)),
  WF_Unitary A
   (c : C) (v : Vector (S n)), Eigenpair A (v, c) v Zero WF_Matrix v.

Lemma unitary_reduction_step1 : {n} (A : Square (S n)),
  WF_Unitary A
   X, WF_Unitary X
  ( c : C, get_vec 0 (X×A×X) = c .* e_i 0).

Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Lemma unitary_reduction_step2 : {n} (A : Square (S n)),
  WF_Unitary A
  ( c : C, get_vec 0 A = c .* e_i 0)
  ( (i j : nat), (i = 0 j = 0) i j A i j = C0).

Lemma unitary_reduction_step3 : {n} (A : Square (S n)),
  WF_Unitary A
  ( (i j : nat), (i = 0 j = 0) i j A i j = C0)
   (A' : Square n), WF_Unitary A' pad1 A' (A 0 0) = A.

Lemma diagble_pad1 : {n} (A : Square n) (c : C),
  WF_Diagonalizable A WF_Diagonalizable (pad1 A c).

Theorem unit_implies_diagble : {n} (A : Square n),
  WF_Unitary A WF_Diagonalizable A.

Showing that certain types of matrices are equal when their eigenpairs are equal

Some actual examples/lemmas

Lemma EigenXp : Eigenpair σx (∣+⟩, C1).

Lemma EigenXm : Eigenpair σx (∣-⟩, -C1).

Lemma EigenYp : Eigenpair σy (R, C1).

Lemma EigenYm : Eigenpair σy (L, -C1).

Lemma EigenZp : Eigenpair σz (∣0⟩, C1).

Lemma EigenZm : Eigenpair σz (∣1⟩, -C1).

Lemma EigenXXB : Eigenpair (σx σx) (Φ+⟩, C1).

#[export] Hint Resolve EigenXp EigenXm EigenYp EigenYm EigenZp EigenZm EigenXXB all_v_eigen_I : eig_db.