
Require Import VectorStates.

Facts about permutations and matrices that implement them.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Permutations on (0,...,n-1)

Definition permutation (n : nat) (f : nat nat) :=
   g, x, x < n (f x < n g x < n g (f x) = x f (g x) = x).

Lemma permutation_is_injective : n f,
  permutation n f
   x y, x < n y < n f x = f y x = y.

Lemma permutation_compose : n f g,
  permutation n f
  permutation n g
  permutation n (f g)%prg.

Lemma fswap_at_boundary_permutation : n f x,
  permutation (S n) f
  (x < S n)%nat f x = n
  permutation n (fswap f x n).

vsum terms can be arbitrarily reordered
Lemma vsum_reorder : {d} n (v : nat Vector d) f,
  permutation n f
  big_sum v n = big_sum (fun iv (f i)) n.

Permutation matrices

Definition perm_mat n (p : nat nat) : Square n :=
  (fun x yif (x =? p y) && (x <? n) && (y <? n) then C1 else C0).

Lemma perm_mat_WF : n p, WF_Matrix (perm_mat n p).
#[export] Hint Resolve perm_mat_WF : wf_db.

Lemma perm_mat_unitary : n p,
  permutation n p WF_Unitary (perm_mat n p).

Lemma perm_mat_Mmult : n f g,
  permutation n g
  perm_mat n f × perm_mat n g = perm_mat n (f g)%prg.

Lemma perm_mat_I : n f,
  ( x, x < n f x = x)
  perm_mat n f = I n.

Given a permutation p over n qubits, construct a permutation over 2^n indices.
Transform a (0,...,n-1) permutation into a 2^n by 2^n matrix.
Definition perm_to_matrix n p :=
  perm_mat (2 ^ n) (qubit_perm_to_nat_perm n p).

Lemma perm_to_matrix_permutes_qubits : n p f,
  permutation n p
  perm_to_matrix n p × f_to_vec n f = f_to_vec n (fun xf (p x)).

Lemma perm_to_matrix_unitary : n p,
  permutation n p
  WF_Unitary (perm_to_matrix n p).

Lemma qubit_perm_to_nat_perm_compose : n f g,
  permutation n f
  (qubit_perm_to_nat_perm n f qubit_perm_to_nat_perm n g =
    qubit_perm_to_nat_perm n (g f))%prg.

Lemma perm_to_matrix_Mmult : n f g,
  permutation n f
  permutation n g
  perm_to_matrix n f × perm_to_matrix n g = perm_to_matrix n (g f)%prg.

Lemma perm_to_matrix_I : n f,
  permutation n f
  ( x, x < n f x = x)
  perm_to_matrix n f = I (2 ^ n).

Lemma perm_to_matrix_WF : n p, WF_Matrix (perm_to_matrix n p).
#[export] Hint Resolve perm_to_matrix_WF : wf_db.